Scottish saxophonist Tommy Smith plays two contrasting concerts over the weekend of September 24-26. In his role as its founder-director, Smith leads the internationally acclaimed...
The Scottish National Jazz Orchestra directed by Tommy Smith presents THE ONLINE PREMIERE of A TRIBUTE TO NELSON MANDELA A short musical video to celebrate International Mandela...
Scottish Jazz Saxophonist Tommy Smith to be presented with OBE by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on July 2nd at Holyrood Palace, Edinburgh. Tommy Smith says: “At the age of...
This month, virtuoso pianist Makoto Ozone and leading Scots actor Tam Dean Burn join the SNJO for a cavalcade of family concerts that feature fresh jazz interpretations of two...
Churches are hosting a mini-wave of new jazz sessions in Edinburgh, with one new series of concerts beginning this month and another that began last autumn announcing a...
A new series of monthly jazz events begins in one of Glasgow’s most impressive landmarks when saxophonist Paul Towndrow re-imagines the legendary Charlie Parker with Strings...
Saturday 18 November 2017 Tonight’s “top tip” for the London Jazz Festival is a performance of the production MONK MISTERIOSO – a journey into the silence of...
Internationally acclaimed Scottish saxophonist Tommy Smith plays Ronnie Scott’s in London on Monday 23 October as part of a tour to launch his latest album, Embodying the Light....