Jay Rodriguez Tag Archive

Jason Miles, Observations from the road part 2

Earlier this week we published part one of Jason Miles Op-Ed about his experiences touring his “Kind of New” project through Europe earlier this year. During his...

Jason Miles | Observations on the Road in Europe, part 1.

Jason Miles recently toured Europe playing in many of the continents major jazz venues. Just prior to the tour we were fortunate enough to be able to Interview Jason. Last week...

Jason Miles returns to Europe with the new “Kind Of New”

On Feb 25 the Blue Note jazz club in Milan will host the kick off date to Jason Miles 2018 Kind of New European tour. Know mainly for his work with Miles Davis Jason has a list of...

Interview with Jason Miles | Kind of New and more Part 2.

Welcome to part two of our interview with Jason Miles. In part one of the interview we spoke about his Kind of New project and his up-coming European tour as well as Jason’s...

Interview with Jason Miles | Kind of New & more, Part 1.

Jason Miles is an artist that has often been described as a chameleon. This is largely due to his adaptability in any musical situation he finds himself. While some may view this...

Jason Miles | Kind Of New – Blue Is Paris

Legendary producer, keyboardist and composer Jason Miles will release his follow up to his Kind Of New album titled “Kind of New – Blue in Paris”. The album...