“6 Doin’ Jazz” is a captivating 2023 music documentary that delves into the world of jazz through the lens of an extraordinary sextet. Featuring internationally...
This coming autumn, German trumpeter Thimo Niesterok gears up to release his third album, “Stepping Forward,” on October 20th, 2023, on the Mons Records label....
Released through Anzic Records, Vocalist and composer Nicky Schrire leads Canadian Quartet on ‘Nowhere Girl’, first album in ten years. Born in London and grew up in Cape...
BMG & The Montreux Jazz Festival recently announced the release of Paco De Lucía: The Montreux Years. Released on the 24th of February this year, the latest instalment in the...
Jazz vocalist Paul Jost has been making waves lately on the New York scene performing at many of the cities best known venues. Known as a consummate storyteller, Paul is highly...
It was 2016 when the idea of “The Future Is Now” project first took shape. The project saw the musicians of Brussels Jazz Orchestra work daily with the youngest...
This weeks featured video presents the title track from vocalist Sara Gazarek’s latest EP “Vanity”. Following her successful release “Thirsty Ghost”...
What started as a late-night jam session became a unique piece of music. In need of lyrics, the Swedish-born singer Julia Werup grabbed a poetry book by Leonard Cohen from the...
It’s no secret that our online life is dominated by algorithms and while there is a lot of criticism about this every now and then uncle Google throws’ you a gem....
In August of 2019 the debut album by Baltimore-based pianist Joshua Espinoza arrived on my desk. The album featured a unique take on a rather eclectic range of covers and...
The date was 20th of January 2020 and Fay Claassen, together with 30 of the Netherlands top musicians, took to the stage at Rotterdam’s Lantaren Venster to present...