The Siena Jazz International Summer Workshop, now in its 54th year, continues to be a cornerstone of jazz education in Europe. Set against the backdrop of Siena’s historic...
The Samba Meets Jazz Workshops, directed by Brazilian-born, multi-Grammy Nominee Nilson Matta (bassist for, Trio da Paz and Luis Bonfa) will be returning to Europe this April for...
“Children are our greatest treasure; they are our future” – Nelson Mandela Since 2022, a magical place exists that gives talented Polish girls confidence, togetherness,...
International Women’s Day is an annual global event that began in the 1900s, having been honoured for the first time in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland on 19 March...
As part of our series exploring the exciting EFG London festival programme, I lept at the opportunity to talk to two truly inspirational and incredible musicians – Lara...
One of the most famous big bands in the world is coming to BOZAR, Brussels! The Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra are from New York and have championed the big band repertoire in...
This summer the 49th edition of the Siena Jazz International Summer Workshop runs from July 24th to the 7th of August, 2019. Once again the faculty will feature an all-star...
Jazz workshops have become very popular among amateur and professional musicians during the last few decades. One of the first proponents of this formula was Jamey Aebersold back...
Summer jazz workshops have become a popular destination for both amateur and professional musicians looking to up their skills in an inspiring environment with like-minded people....
The Samba Meets Jazz Workshops, directed by Brazilian-born, multi-Grammy Nominee Nilson Matta (bassist for, Trio da Paz and Luis Bonfa) will be heading across the Atlantic to...