Editors note: Below is a press release from JazzNorth.
On Sunday 10th February 10 am – 3 pm four one-day workshops are taking place across the north of England in Rotherham, Greater Manchester, Lancaster and Huddersfield. The aim is to enable girls aged between 9 and 15 years old to flourish under the mentorship of female role models.
The camps will be led by professional female musicians including the creator of In the Gap! Hannah Brady, Manchester Jazz Festival hothouse artist Helen Pillinger, J Frisco’s Lara Jones and Megan Roe, Sonia Mellor, Colette Dutot, Jilly Jarman from BlueJam Arts, Helena Summerfield and Cath Sewell.
Addressing the gender imbalance in jazz, Jazz North’s initiative has been inspired by the success of a similar project created and led by JazzDanmark…
For more in-depth information please see: JazzNorth
Photo credits: Feature image by Porl Medlock. Gallery image and supplied by JazzNorth.org and Trafford Music Service.
Last modified: January 31, 2019