While combing the internet I can across a very interesting project combining improvisation and video from Italian bassist Tiziano Zanotti and video designer Diego Gavioli.
Asymmetric Mirror. New Sound Perspectives is a new audiovisual project that was developed by a group of artists and technicians bassed around the Stylus Contrabass, an innovative musical instrument with extremely sophisticated technology matching a very natural sound.
Due shared design and composition process, bassist Tiziano Zanotti and video designer Diego Gavioli involve the audience in an absorbing multi-sensory experience where images and sounds merge into a single experience thick with iridescent emotions and atmospheres..
The music, composed by Tiziano Zanotti and Nicola Ciarmatori specifically for the Stylus Contrabass, explores the endless potential of this peculiar instrument. Different pieces of pre-recorded electronic material are processed live by the bassist to create multiple sounds providing energy and variety to the performance (Zanotti states it’s “almost like having a whole band on stage”). Video installations by Diego Gavioli are synchronised to the music and mixes images taken from external reality, animations and digital sources. They tend to reflect the music that is being played (or vice versa), but sometimes these analogies and parallels are not so precise… asymmetric, so to say.
The Stylus Contrabass was born after three years of hard work by the bassist Zanotti, the luthier Mauro Marchesini and the bassist, luthier and IT expert Paolo Betti. Almost a piece of art whose futuristic design is inspired to the double bass and complemented by state-of-art electronic equipment. The sound is produced by special optical pick-ups never applied before to such kind of instrument, while the integration of a Midi channel helps create unlimited sound tones.
You can find more information on this unique project at the Jazz Media and More website or contact them at press@jazzmedia-and-more.com
Tiziano Zanotti, stylus contrabass* & electronic effects
Diego Gavioli, video design
Last modified: July 15, 2018