There’s now doubt that in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s pianist Brad Mehldau trio was known to be one of the most influential groups on the scene during...
Ghent Jazz Festival 2018 attracted 32,000 visitors, and it continues to grow. This is roughly equivalent to the number of enthusiasts who visited the famous 13th century Abbey...
The concert of the Brad Mehldau Trio at Gent Jazz Festival (June 29th – July 8th) is the one I most look forward to. The way the pianist constructs his music, can take you into...
If you are planning to visit Valencia this summer, don’t miss out on attending one of the most important Spanish Jazz Festivals. Starting in mid June and continuing throughout...
The Brad Mehldau Trio is touring Europe with a new album, “Seymour Reads the Constitution” (Nonesuch, 2018). Their previous studio recording “Blues and Ballads” (2016)...